2023 Participant Milestones Spotlight: Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative

2023 has been a landmark year for Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative, which has been serving Southern Minnesota with dedication and an unwavering commitment to progress. As a provider of reliable electric services to the communities within Freeborn and Mower Counties, the cooperative has always prioritized sustainable advancements that benefit its members economically.

A noteworthy development has been the expansion of the Cooperative’s fleet with the inclusion of up to four electric vehicles (EVs), such as the Ford Mach-E. This move is not just about embracing modern technology but also about reducing operational costs and promoting energy efficiency. Accompanying this initiative, the installation of up to eight new EV charging stations across strategic locations like downtown Albert Lea and near major highways has been a step towards supporting growing EV adoption in the community. These stations are not only convenient but also an investment in the future of transportation, aligning with the cooperative’s vision of sustainable energy usage.

Freeborn Mower logo

Looking forward to 2024, the Cooperative has plans to further enhance the region’s energy infrastructure. The introduction of additional DC Fast Chargers along I-35 in Albert Lea is in the pipeline, promising quicker charging times and greater convenience for EV users. Moreover, the partnership with OneEnergy to deploy 6 MW of solar power between Albert Lea and Grand Meadow is a testament to the cooperative’s commitment to renewable energy sources. This initiative is expected to significantly contribute to the cooperative’s clean energy portfolio, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources and leading to cost savings for its members.

These initiatives are just a part of Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative’s broader strategy to invest in energy solutions that are not only sustainable but also beneficial from a cost perspective. By focusing on renewable energy sources and innovative technologies, the cooperative is setting a standard for energy providers everywhere.

For more information about their EV resources, visit the cooperative’s dedicated page, Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative’s EV resources.


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